ARISA – Artificial Intelligence Skills Alliance
ARISA fast-tracks the upskilling and reskilling of employees, job seekers, business leaders, and policymakers into AI-related professions to open Europe to new business opportunities. It is a four-year transnational project funded under the Erasmus+ programme.
About ARISA Project
The growing demand for skilled employees within the Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot be met by current education and training programmes. Europe needs an innovative European AI Strategy that can fast-track the upskilling and of the EU’s workforce to meet this ever-increasing demand.
The project will support the implementation of the Pact for Skills by developing a sectoral skills strategy on AI. This strategy aims to lead to systemic and structural impact on reducing skills shortages, gaps, and mismatches, as well as ensure appropriate quality and levels of skills
The ARISA consortium will work together to develop, implement and disseminate an AI European Strategy that will tackle the current and future skills shortages in the AI Sector, enabling continuous development, innovation and competitiveness within the industry.
The project includes the establishment of a long-term partnership for an innovative European Artificial Intelligence Skills Alliance; the design of an innovative and sustainable short term and long term Strategy; the development, testing and roll-out of VET and HE training curricula in 8 pilot sites (5 universities and 3 VET providers), the adaptation of programmes and qualifications in line with latest market needs and consistently linked with EU instruments and tools enabling professional skills and career development in general and empowering ICT Professionalism and digital competences in particular; and the widespread dissemination and long-term rollout of the strategy to maximise impact.
The AI Skills Strategy, VET and HE curricula, the learning programmes will be designed, solidly tested in practice and made available to be adapted and scaled across the whole of Europe, meeting the current and future skills needs of the AI Sector and driving the growth of AI talent in Europe.
The project will support the implementation of the Pact for Skills by developing a sectoral skills strategy on AI. This strategy aims to lead to systemic and structural impact on reducing skills shortages, gaps, and mismatches, as well as ensure appropriate quality and levels of skills. The project overall contribution will be on developing local ecosystems of skills (pilots) that will complement the existing computing, data, and applications that can foster the engagement of local communities, respond to their needs, harness local creativity and knowledge, and build a human-centred, diverse, and socially driven Artificial Intelligence.