We’re an integral part of the ecosystem actively involved in various EU-funded projects under frameworks like Erasmus+, Eureka and Cost Action.

As a cornerstone for digital skills, innovation and entrepreneurial excellence, and a member of the EU Pact for Skills, we’re a strategic EU consortium partner of choice. We’ve built a reputation for accurately identifying and developing the skills needed to fuel growth and drive competitiveness, supporting the areas of talent and innovation, dissemination, utilisation, and sustainability.

We’ve collaborated with over 100 industry partners and academics, across 17 Pan-European projects valued at over €60 million.

  • Proven Expertise: A comprehensive back catalogue of digital skills training under our belt and active participation in 17x EU-funded projects valued at over €60 million.
  • Strategic Framework: We bring a skilled team, robust processes, and the latest strategic thinking to all our consortium projects.
  • Quadruple Helix Advantage: Being a key player in the Irish ecosystem, we leverage our extensive network to identify potential consortium partners, aligning with the Quadruple Helix Model.

With a vast network spanning Ireland and Europe, we’re strategically positioned to be your consortium partner of choice. Below are some of the EU-funded programmes we’re proud to be involved in.



Digital4Sustainability will focus on fast-tracking the Digital & Green Transition within the ICT sector and throughout European Industry, helping companies to adopt advanced digital technologies to achieve their sustainability goals.


European Online Masters Programme focused on the practical application of Advanced Digital Skills within European SMEs and Companies. The ‘DIGITAL4Business’ European Masters Programme will focus on the practical application of Advanced Digital Skills within European Business.



Skills4Retail is revolutionising the retail landscape through pioneering education and training. Europe’s retail sector is a vital part of the economy, accounting for 9% of all EU jobs. However, the industry is at a crossroads, and faces a daunting skills gap that’s widened since the pandemic. Skills4Retail responds to this urgent need by offering targeted training in sustainability and digital technologies, funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ and Partnerships For Innovation.


The Digital4Security is a pioneering European Masters Programme in Cybersecurity Management & Data Sovereignty, aimed at equipping European SMEs and companies across diverse sectors with the essential cybersecurity management, regulatory, and technical skills required to counteract existing and emerging cybersecurity threats.



The Atollo Project is a pioneering initiative funded by the European Union, aimed at empowering learners with disabilities through the creation of accessible and inclusive digital educational materials. This pioneering initiative spanning 32 months is supported by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.


European Network of Cybersecurity Skills Hubs (Cyberhubs)

The CyberHubs project will implement a coherent and comprehensive set of cross-sectoral activities with the aim of creating multi-stakeholder local/national cybersecurity hubs to boost cybersecurity upskilling & reskilling and tech talent development, foster EU citizens’ entrepreneurial mindset, and overall, enhance the EU’s capacity in cybersecurity and digital resilience.

Being Quantum Ready 

Quantum technologies are transforming industries like computing, security, and pharma, creating a need for “quantum-ready” professionals. We are developing a micro-credential course, “Being Quantum-Ready: Challenges and Opportunities,” as part of the EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative to provide essential skills to understand and apply these technologies.

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European Software Skills Alliance

The European Software Skills Alliance includes leading ICT representative bodies, software services employers, education and training providers, recruitment and career specialists, digital skills regulatory bodies and a broad selection of stakeholders and social partners from across the industry. They are all working together to develop, implement and disseminate a new Sector Skills Strategy that will tackle the current and future skills shortages in the European Software Sector, enabling continuous growth, innovation and competitiveness within the Industry. 

ARISA – Artificial Intelligence Skills Alliance

The growing demand for skilled employees within the Artificial Intelligence (AI) cannot be met by current education and training programmes. Europe needs an innovative European AI Strategy that can fast-track the upskilling and of the EU’s workforce to meet this ever-increasing demand.

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VISKI Visible Skills

VISKI Visible Skills: Challenge-based learning tool to visualise skills and competences for life-long learning. The promotion of key competences that should be acquired in the context of lifelong learning, especially “entrepreneurship”, creativity and digital skills, was already mentioned in the Lisbon Strategy as an important means to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.

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The EMBRACE project is a three-year Erasmus funded project, comprising ten consortium partners. The project’s objectives are to promote Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (CSE) in HEI educational programmes and improve students’ competences, employability and attitudes contributing to the creation of new business opportunities dealing with social change inside companies as well as promoting collaboration among companies.


Open Science (OS) opens up new ways in which research, education and innovation are undertaken, archived, curated, and disseminated across the globe. TrainRDM aims to empower the Education and Skills dimension of OS through exploring innovative mechanisms and tools to provide the skills training in particular for and Research Data Management (RDM) good practices. 


Smardy will develop a research data marketplace for technology transfer built as a software and data carpentry (i.e., developing and teaching workshops on the main data skills required to conduct research), where academia, industry, and government can exchange curated datasets, technology, and tools to foster economic and social development.  


Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society (CERCIRAS) seeks to facilitate resource-usage trade-offs at specification, design, implementation, and run time by raising awareness of the local and global impact caused by parallel threads of applications on individual resources. Such awareness is crucial for academic researchers and industrial practitioners across all European and COST member countries, and, therefore, a strategic priority. 


eDIGIREGION, a unique collaborative project that brings together four high-potential research-driven clusters in diverse European regions (South East Ireland, Central Hungary, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain and Bucharest-Ilfov, Romania). The aim of eDIGIREGION was to use the triple helix partnership to plan, design and implement an ecosystem of research, innovation, creativity, and commercialisation that supports the implementation of the EU Digital Agenda in each region.


CECIL was one of the 6 Cluster Excellence projects financed by the European Commission and the only one focused on Digital Creative Industries. The overall objective of the CECIL project was to strengthen cluster management excellence, and top professional cluster services for the Digital Creative Industries, where the role of clusters is particularly relevant as drivers of innovation and competitiveness.

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This project facilitated the interactions among data-intensive Modelling and Simulation (MS) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) experts, ensuring that the field, which is strategic and of long-standing interest in Europe, develops efficiently – from academic research to industrial practice. This Action provided the integration to foster a novel, coordinated Big Data endeavour supported by HPC.